Murder at the Mannor

TF2 Custom Gamemode


  1. Do not Ghost, sharing locations or roles with alive players will not be tolerated.
  2. Do not Mic spam, this includes talking for so long where others cannot speak.
  3. Do not randomly kill players as a Bystander, hunting down a player before he/she has done anything in the round will NOT be tolerated.
  4. Do not grief, this include purposely baiting the Bystander with the gun to kill you.

Game Instructions

The Murder at the Mannor gamemode is a reference to the Garrys Mod gamemode with a few twists that make it function in TF2. There are two teams, Murderers and Bystanders. The bystanders must find out who the murderer is and eliminate them, while the murderer must find the bystanders and eliminate them before the time runs out.